
Friday, November 2, 2012

Personal Growth Project Update

My Gladiolus flower hasn't grown since the last time I posted my last update.  I'm not that worried though, my Gladiolus has still grown a little in the past week.  That means I'm still doing everything right, and hopefully my Gladiolus will grow a little more soon.  I believe that my Gladiolus will grow a little more and you'll be able to see a difference from the last picture that I posted.  Fun fact about Gladiolus', a Gladiolus flower can grow up to five feet and six inches tall. I thought that was pretty cool.  Hopefully it doesn't grow to be that big, that would suck.  I have it in a cup in my kitchen, it would be way to big!  


  1. you better take that plant outside

  2. if the plant is supposed to be that big and you have it in a small cup inside your house then isnt that a problem?

  3. Sounds like everything is going well, hopefully it doesnt get that big

  4. if it grows that tall that would suck!!
