
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Personal Growth Project #9

This picture might be too blurry but I didn't have time to take a good one because it was too dark and the flashlight ruined the picture. It's Halloween so happy Halloween to everyone. My plant has so far grown little by little; however, it has its days when it sprouts quickly. I changed the soil lately just to see if that's the reason why it's taking forever to grow. Other than that my plant has had the perfect amount of water it needs and sunlight. I doubt that my plant will grow as tall as I want it to grow by the end of the semester, but I am not giving up hope on it either. Why violas take a long time to grow and problems.

PGP #9

I never grew a plant before, so this has been a learning experience for me. Growing a plant is easy, but maintaining it is hard work. Such as, remembering to water it could pose a problem for me because I am always on the move. I have been pretty good with maintaning my plant, but I can always improve my methods. For example, I want to establish a watering routine for my plant. Right now, I water it at all times of the day, and I do not believe that is the healthiest method. Plants are living organisms, and they need to be consistently watered.

Week 9

This week my plant has been growing so well.  It is about the length of my index finger.  I can't wait for my garlic to grow.  It is highly unlikely that it will bloom this year before school ends, but I am excited to eat the garlic that comes from this plant.  Garlic is good to plant in fall and it harvests in spring so next semester I will be able to use this garlic.  I have been keeping the garlic on top of the refridgerator and watering it when the pot is dry.  I am happy that I finally have a plant that is staying alive!!!

Personal Growth Project 2012

Day 9 Blog
          So, because of the rapid deterioration of the leaves, I decided to water more. The black beans seem to be staying going strong, but as extra precaution I purchased special booster soil. This soil is supposed to provide the nutrients the plant is missing. I began trimming the dead leaves since there is no need for them. I also told my neighbors to be aware of their wild dogs. The black beans are making it to the final lap of the growth process. I also discovered some fun facts about the beans. I am very happy to note that the beans are a success for the most part. Happy Halloween!!

PGP #9 Happy Halloween


 My plant is sparingly the same as far as PGP #8 because it takes a while to really get tall and start to sprout chili’s. I have many little sprouts in my pot and this is a good thing because it lets me rely on more than one chili plant. The middle stem is the biggest, I measured it and it is about an inch and a half. I am looking forward to caring longer for the chili plant so I will be able to enjoy fresh jalapeno chili’s. I thought that this project was very helpful as far as being able to project growth and see it and care for the plant. After my chili plant grows to a certain height and becomes bigger Im going to have to transplant it into the ground. 

Personal Growth Project Update

  Again, I don't know if you can see the little green at the bottom right corner of this picture, but it's there.  You also probably can't tell from this picture either, but it actually has grown a little.  I'm glad my Gladiolus flower has been sprouting a bit.  That tells me I'm doing everything right and I should't worry about it.  If I just keep on doing what I'm doing (water it a lot and make sure it has a lot of sunlight), eventually it will sprout soon.  All I hope is that my flower will blossom and I will once in my life have successfully planted a flower that hasn't died, and that I get an A on this assignment.  Hopefully by my next post you will be able to see a huge difference. (This is a good drawing of a Gladiolus).

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

PGP Week 8

This is week 8 and the growth has stopped at this point they are continuing to look the same as week 7.  There is still a pest problem and the plants appear to have more holes in them from something very unknown to myself.  maybe a small bug of some sort is feasting on my radish plant.  Maybe they taste really good and that could be the problem to why bugs are eating my plant.  I don't really know what the problem could be other than that and I would like to know if other people are dealing with this same situation.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Personal Growth Project #8

Lately my plant hasn't been growing and I don't what's wrong with it. I give it plenty of water and sunlight but I think it's because I need to change the soil every month and I haven't done that. This plant is taking its sweet time growing and I think it will probably die within a couple of weeks or maybe even days. Well I'm not giving up on this plant; I will still do my best to make it somehow survive and grow for the end of semester. I was really excited to do this plant and I still am. I guess now I should plant another seed of this plant just in case this one died and I didn't even know. Insects and my dogs have been messing with my plant so maybe that is one of the reasons it's either dead or messed up. How to care for the viola.

haha my seed sprouted

I am quite happy to announce that my sunflower seeds have sprouted! I am so excited for them to grow in to grownup sunflowers.  There just little tiny green sprouts right now, but when they mature they will be at least five feet tall.  The only real threat to my sunflower seeds right now is the weather.  I am worried that the unpredictable climate will stunt their growth, but other than that there is not much to worry about.

Scuba Diving Trip/Lobsters


   Professor. Kempler suggested that I show these pictures to the class since its a blog, I shared this pictures with him and he said I should post them. My Dad and I went scuba diving a couple weeks ago in Anacapa which is part of the channel islands and we caught lobsters the first pictures we caught a 6lb and 8lb lobsters and the one that my Dad is holding is about 10-11lbs which were two separate trips.

PGP #8


   As you can see my jalapeno chili plant is starting to grow increasingly every week with more leaves and sprouts. I am doing the same process as far as watering and care go for it. I sparingly only water my plant if it needs the water because to much water can kill the plant. I usually just stick my finger in the soil to feel if it moist or dry if its moist I leave it and if its dry I give it water with plant food. I believe that my plant is going to be a good asset to my garden because it will add another chili plant to my garden. 


As you can feel it is fall out. With it being fall, leaves start to fall, which can affect the health of grass. If a tree looses all of its leaves and they are left untouched on the lawn floor, it can for bacteria due to the water usage and not enough sunlight. These bacteria can potentially be harmful to the living grass and may kill it. To battle this I plan on raking up the leaves every couple of days and letting the sun shine and dry the grass every day. Luckily, there are no major tree hazards in my yard so there is not a lot to worry about. 

Personal Growth Project #8

So I have a problem. Lately its been really cold and windy at night and my flowers look like they're dying. I continue to water and nurture them but it doesn't seem to be working. I have two to three that are standing straight up, they're not as tall as the others but hopefully they make it through this weather til the end of the project. With it being so windy lately there have been a lot more leaves piling up around my flowers so I keep having to pull those from the flower bed. I would hate to have to start the project over, but I will do my best to keep them alive. 

Personal Growth Project 2012

Day 8 Blog

       Due to the frequent weather change and possible neglect from me my plant is slowly withering away. Just as fast as the black beans sprouted and flourished, they are giving up. I did some mild research a few weeks ago and I concluded that the rapid color loss in the leaves is natural. I am now sure that this much change isn’t normal. I am thoroughly counting on the evergreen stems and healthy top leaves to get them through to the end of this bipolar weather strip. Afterwards, we should begin to see the bean pods mature. I can’t wait to eat them!

PGP # 8

Everyday has been windy where I live, so my plants are tilting to the right. It would be worse if my plants were full grown, but my plants are too low to the ground and they're hardly effected. Which is a good thing for now. Other than that,  my plants still look the same. I still cannot tell if there has been any progress in growth. I continue with my usual routine; I give my plant water and plant food. I haven't seen any spiders or other insects by my plants, so the bug spray must be working...I hope they grow faster; I want to see them bloom!

PGP #7

Hey class, I dont know why, but my flowers were dying so I had to put more potting soil and seeds because my flowers just dont seem to be growing. Its maybe because of the weather changes and I think its affecting my flowers. Everyone can see that half of pot is growing and the other half is not but hopefully with the soil. It would recover if not Im just probaly going to replant my flowers; but I still have hope in my flowers and my advice is to never lose hope. I recommend you guys doing the same with your flowers or plant, and you guys will see results.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


It is week 8 and my plant is looking similar to all my other posts.  It does not show any sign of dying and it is very green still.  It almost seems like I should have planted my seeds in a bigger sized pot because the leaves are flopping over the sides.  It’s ok though because it makes my plant look like it’s doing really good.  The weather has been good to my plant.  There has been a good amount of sun but not too much.  I’m pretty confident my plant will be successful for a while and continue to grow.  Here are some tips on how much you should water your plant.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Personal Growth Project Update

So far, my project doesn't show any signs of improvement.  My flower hasn't sprouted any bigger and there is no signs of any new leaves.  It looks the exact same as it did last week and now I'm getting kind of scared.  I don't want this project to end in a disaster like my last one did (the Daffodil).   I even went to another website on how to grow a Gladiolus flower and that website gives the same instructions as the other website I checked out last week.  So all I have to do is do what I'm already doing (according to the two websites I'm doing everything right), hope that it sprouts soon or see any new leaves growing and hope for the best.  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Personal Growth Project 8: Snail and Caterpillar Problems

After a couple a weeks, I still have a caterpillar. Not only do I have a caterpillar problem, I also have a snail problem. For the last week I lacked on taking care of my red radishes. I wasn't being consistent and that is a major reason why I'm still having these problems. I found two caterpillars and one snail. I personally have found four caterpillars and one snail. Since my father was assisting me, he has found two caterpillars and one snail. My red radishes seem to be very popular with caterpillars and snail. I find this very funny. I need to learn to take care of my plants more carefully so that these problems can stop occurring.

Update #8

I have maintained my plant quite well; however, I still haven’t seen any significant growth. From what I have observed my plant is healthy, but I don’t see any sign of new leaves sprouting. I believe the lackof growth has more to do with the species of plant, and it’s not a result of mygardening skills. Recently I moved my plant outside, and as a result I noticed a small crack developing in the leaf. I am hoping the crack does not continue to grow as I believe it could ruin the main leaf. Monday is watering day for my plant; I will continue to monitor its progress further during that time.