
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Personal Growth Project 7: Plant Grew

My red radishes in week seven have grown a lot since the last time I took a picture of my plant from all angles. They are looking great since i have added the nutrients and the Ortho. My red radishes are looking amazing and I have to keep up the work. The last time i measured my red radishes, they were roughly two inches. Now they are roughly six inches. Within 4 weeks they have grown a lot! I can't wait until I get to eat them! Whenever I forget to water them I give my father a call to make sure to water them for me. I can be forgetful because I have to be in school all day. I need to remind myself and not forget.


  1. Wow those look great!! Good Job!!

  2. Your plants are looking very good. Keep up the good work.

  3. your plants are very impressive keep up the good work
