
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Personal Growth Week 5

I was doing more research on why my plants might not be growing.  Parsley seeds don't have to be buried in soil to grow so they might be sprouting but taking a while to come out of the soil.  It also suggest to start them indoors, but that shouldn't be a problem cause it isn't cold outside yet.  Southern California fall is still 100 degrees so that shouldn't really be a problem.  The article that I read states that parsley needs direct or partial sunlight.  My parsley plant is in direct sunlight all day in my backyard so that is not a problem. I am just hoping to see something from one of my plants soon.

From Left to Right: Foxglove, Parsley, and Carnation


  1. That's too bad they are taking awhile to grow. Hopefully they start to pop out soon!

  2. I like parsleys. Nice choice!

  3. It might take awhile but I'm sure it'll grow!
