
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Personal Growth Project 2012

Day 5 Blog

The black beans seem to be doing great, the stems are strong and the leaves are the size of my palm. These 7 inch plants look to be ready to go into a bigger pot, my only worry is damaging their roots. I have noticed through daily watering that something is feeding on the leaves. As extra protection I added a few more worms. I discovered that the culprit to the holes in the leaves were small spiders. Luckily, they didn’t have strength in numbers so with a little extra watering I escaped that potential problem.  Other than that, the road to making my Chipotle styled bowl appears to be clear and exciting.


  1. Wow!! They are growing amazingly! Congratulations!

  2. Great job! Your plant looks amazing!

  3. Wow! They are growing so fast! And good thing you caught the spiders!

  4. Your plant is huge!! Good job
