
Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I have planted my seeds kind of late didn’t have dirt or a place to plant it; therefore I had to make my own make shift pot for my seeds. Where had I gotten my soil? I had god it from right outside my apartment. Soil doesn’t need to be anything special, although having better soils my affect your plants blooming a lot. But I didn’t have the funds to get a pot and special soil. I have cut a gallon of milk in half, and poked holes in the bottom so water will get absorbed but not too much. Then I simply dug up some dirt and filled it up. Now I just water it daily, and it gets sun daily because I leave it outside all day water in the morning and night.


  1. Did you put a seed in there or is it just the soil?

  2. Nice, you actually improvised.. I didn't even think about creating my own pot. Next time I definitely will.
