
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Personal Growth Project #7

My sweet peas have been growing so fast. I'm excited each time I walk by them and see how tall they're getting and to see that no more have died. I water them daily and three times a week I give them plant food just to be sure they're getting the proper nutrients. I haven't had any problems with pests or insects which is great. I have noticed that they're kind of getting tangled up which is why some are leaning to the left. I tried to untangle them gently but stopped because they're so intertwined with each other that I'd have to cut them and I'm afraid if I do that it won't be good for them.



  1. Looks good! I'm sure it will still turn out fine, you're doing everything right, just keep on doing what you're doing!

  2. They kinda look like they are leaning alot. keep up the good work:)

  3. Your plant looks good. It looks like a plant you will keep for a long time.

  4. Plant looks really good and green. Good JOB
