
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Personal Growth Project 6: Exterminating Caterpillars

I have finally discovered who was responsible for the wholes on my plant. As soon as I found out, I went Lowes. This is suppose to assist my plant to stop invaders from eating my red radishes. I am glad that I discovered these caterpillar because now i can get rid of them. These little critters were very hard to spot. My brother was the person who discovered them, and then he told me. My plant are not coming out exactly how I expected them. Nurturing my red radishes are more difficult than I anticipated. I need to check up on my plant more often so that I can prevent more challenges from occurring. I wasn't able to find a video on a caterpillar being exterminated, but i found a "Hornet Killing a caterpiller".


  1. Bug problems to, thats a good Idea, I should of taking a picture to.

  2. Damn, I haven't gotten bugs on my plant- good :)
    They sure do damage don't they?
