
Monday, October 29, 2012

Personal Growth Project #8

Lately my plant hasn't been growing and I don't what's wrong with it. I give it plenty of water and sunlight but I think it's because I need to change the soil every month and I haven't done that. This plant is taking its sweet time growing and I think it will probably die within a couple of weeks or maybe even days. Well I'm not giving up on this plant; I will still do my best to make it somehow survive and grow for the end of semester. I was really excited to do this plant and I still am. I guess now I should plant another seed of this plant just in case this one died and I didn't even know. Insects and my dogs have been messing with my plant so maybe that is one of the reasons it's either dead or messed up. How to care for the viola.


  1. Mine hasn't been growing that much either! I'm sure we'll still pass though.

  2. I hope your seeds didn't die! But it still looks like you your plant grew a little bit.

  3. Well at least you have been posting about it. Good luck

  4. My plant has been growing slow as well. Good luck.

  5. No, it just takes time, good luck!

  6. Awe I hope you find out whats wrong with it.
