
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 4

This week I checked on my pumpkin, last week it was a tad disappointing because nothing really happened with either plants but this week I’m super excited. My pumpkins are actually starting to grow. When I first went outside to check on my pumpkins I didn't think they were it, I actually thought I forgot where I had planted them or that some other plant decided to grow there. I honestly had no idea how pumpkins started to grow out so seeing this and watching this happen makes me really happy. I’m actually pretty excited, I feel like this is my little baby and I’m watching it grow. My grandmother informed me that this might be as far as my pumpkins will grow, that the leaves are the only part that will grow. That made me kind of sad but, I am going to continue to stay positive and see what happens. I still have my faith, but I decided to check out what my grandma was talking about.
I found this page about what to look for as I continue to grow my pumpkins. It seems very helpful, but now I’m going to be paranoid if this stuff doesn't happen. But only time will tell.  


  1. That looks really good and good job

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. same here, it's nice to watch the process. good luck!
