
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Follow my plant on TWITTER!!!!!!!!!!

Today I have had several ideas about my garden. The first, I have created a twitter account for my pumpkin. Second, I had another epiphany; could you grow sunflowers from Spitz Sunflower Seeds. After some research I discovered realized that the sunflower seeds that we eat are baked so will not grow, but I am going to try to grow the seeds anyway. Lastly, I have decided that since we live in a social media world; where everyone has a Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Therefore I have created a twitter for my pumpkin. So follow mr sexy pumpkin on twitter.


  1. Haha. I love this. I think having a twitter account for your pumpkin is a great way to spice up this project and add some more fun to it.

  2. I don't have a twitter account but I checked out your pumpkin’s' link and I must say, it made me laugh... I like your wit.

  3. i guess everything deserves a twitter haha
