
Monday, September 17, 2012


Today i started tomato plant, i started by getting a small plastic pot and putting in some soil i took from five of my other garden boxes and mixed them together. i put the seeds 1/4 of an inch down the pot like the instructions told me to and i gave it plenty of water. After i put water in the pot i placed the plant into a good area where it would get lots of sunshine. I had to place chicken wire around the area where i placed my plant so my chickens would not get to it and destroy the plant. hopefully everything goes well and i don't have to kill any of my chickens. :] heres a link to help others grow tomatoes


  1. That is too funny. I hope your tomatoes are safe from your chickens. lol

  2. Ahaha good luck with your project.

  3. I love tomatoes and I'm excited to see how yours grow.
