So one day I was taking my daily stroll through the park;
when I had this epiphany. I had realized that it was fall, but not just fall it
was the season of Halloween which mean costumes, ghouls, ghosts, but most of all pumpkins. So immediately
I ran home to grab my keys and head to the store to buy pumpkin seeds. My trip
to the store the was delayed by our Chihuahua, who had decided to run out when I
opened the door. After ten minutes of chasing we managed to get the scoundrel inside,
and I was off to the store. Two dollars and twelve cents later I had my pumpkin
seeds which I will plant tomorrow.
I love this post! not only do I love fall and Halloween but I have a little chihuahua of my own who does the same to me! I'm excited to see your pumpkins. Are you planting them in a pot of some sort or in the ground?