
Monday, September 17, 2012

Ready to Grow: Update #1

My very own snake plant has been planted, watered and is ready to grow. For this particular plant you don't need actual seeds; snake plants can be grown from the clippings of its leaves or stems. I've planted a clipping in a 4 inch pot which should be sufficient to handle the growth. The plant will be kept indoors, but it will be in the sunlight during the day. This plant should grow fairly quickly; I should see growth over the next two weeks. Fortunately my new snake plant requires very little maintenance. It needs watering once a week. A fun fact about my plant that I've learned while planting is that it's also called "mother-in-laws tongue". The reason for this nickname is that if you were to chew the leaves your tongue will be left numb and you will be unable to talk.


  1. Wow this sounds so interesting. I am truly intrigued by your choice to grow this snake plant. I find it really cool also that you don't even need seeds to grow it. Using just a leaf is pretty cool. Im excited to see how this plant turns out. You also wrote your blog very well, so great job!

  2. You are so lucky that you only have to water your plant once a week! I wish mine was like that. Can't wait to see what it turns out like.

  3. Sounds like an intersting plant. Cant wait to see you results.

  4. That is so cool about the plant leaving your tongue numb if someone chews on the plant. Good luck on the plant!

  5. That is awesome how the plant does not need a seed to grow and good luck
