There's still that dirt area next to the other flowers were my daffodils should be. I've been doing everything right. Watering it everyday, I planted it in an area were there's not much sunlight, double checking that my dogs or any other kind of animal doesn't pee on it or dig it up. I wanna see it blossom soon! While I was researching what I was doing wrong, I learned some fun facts about daffodils. Earliest known references to daffodils can be found in the writings of Mohammed way back to 6 A.D. Also daffodils are the flowers which symbolizes friendship, I thought that was actually kind of cool. But I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. If any of you reading this know by any chance what I'm doing wrong please don't be afraid to comment on my post and correct me. I really don't wanna fail this project because i suck at growing flowers.
Did you check online to see how long it takes them to germinate? some plants take longer