
Monday, September 24, 2012

They Sprouted!

So exciting!! Just a few days after planting my mustard seeds they already sprouted!!! About three days after planting the little guys I saw about two or three itty bitty sprouts. The very next day there were so many more sprouts. It’s amazing how quickly these grow; literally overnight! My mustard seeds are in full sunlight most of the day and I am watering them once a day. I make sure not to drown them in too much water so that they can grow healthily. I love mustard so I can't wait until they are fully grown and I can either eat the leaves or make mustard out of the seeds. Not sure how one does that, but when I find out I'm sure I'll be posting on it. I'm not the only person who loves mustard either; people love mustard so much there is a National Mustard Museum. If you love mustard half as much as these people do you will find this website pretty interesting. Good luck with your plants and flowers. Happy growing!