
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Valerie's Personal Growth Project - Sweet Peas

Today I made my way to Osh Warehouse in Valencia, CA to decide which plant or vegetable to use for this project. There was a wide selection of herbs, flowers and vegetables to choose from; I decide to go with the Fragrant Sweet Peas Perfume Delight. This plant is very low maintenance and that's extremely important since I have a very hectic schedule. I took many things into consideration before selecting the Fragrant Sweet Peas to make part of a beautiful manifestation or a disappointing and horrific experience. I considered time, weather and maintenance. I purchased a few more items besides the seeds, I got a super cute pair of pink gardening gloves, and petite hand shovel, biodegradable pots, some seeds and soil.  

I really wanted plant my seeds in my planter right outside my kitchen window. However, due to the weather and the amount of sunlight that particular area receives, the customer service representative at Osh's recommended I germinate my plant indoors for two weeks and then transplant my plant to my outside planter. She also suggest I use biodegradable pots to avoid my roots from going into shock and dying. I will research my plant and plan my planting process.


  1. The firs thing i thought when looking at your photos was that you had super cute gloves! Anyway I think you have a great plan ahead od you Good luck :)

  2. Sounds like you have a really good plan, good luck on growing your sweet peas.

  3. It looks like you are working really hard!! Hope your plant grows!
