
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Personal Growth Project Actually Working!

I thought I was doing everything wrong, I thought I already killed my Daffodil, I thought I will never see my Daffodil grow, but today I finally saw some improvement! Today, I dug up the dirt a little to see if I saw any good sign, and I did.  I can actually see the roots and see it grow (But I can't post a picture.  I've tried taking a picture and you can't really tell or see anything from just a photograph).   So even though it's not popping out of the dirt yet, I know that underneath the dirt the flower is growing.  So all I have to do is keep on doing what I'm doing and be patient and hope for the best.  Hopefully I can post a picture of my Daffodil so all of you in my English class can see my cool Daffodil that I've been working on! Hopefully all of your projects are going well and I can't wait to see all of your projects blossom.

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