
Monday, September 10, 2012

Growth Projects

Lucky Bamboo Care Instructions thumbnailLUCKY BAMBOO

When i heard we had to pick something to grow for our growth project i wanted to do something kind of out of the box! So i decided to go online and look what type of Zone Santa Clarita is and what i can grow. Being that SCV is zone 9 i decided to grow Lucky Bamboo.Lucky Bamboo is intresting to me and i cant wait to see the way it reacts because its a tropical plant and also can adapt to house and zone 9 areas.


  1. I wish you good luck, and i hope the bamboo grows big and healthy.

  2. That's a really cool looking plant, i hope all goes well for you.

  3. Great choice. you have the luxury of choosing to grow it indoors or outdoors.
